Friday, December 30, 2005

This is my official first blog

Oh dear goodness, I'm a blogger.

This is the result really of last week when I was in typical bored Sunday afternoon fashion, googling a friend ("friend" might be a little generous, but someone I admire from a distance) and was shocked to see this person has kept a blog for 2+ years...and I'm hooked. I checked three times today to see if there was a new blog and already read many of the archived blogs! I believe this is highly ridiculous and bespeaks the fact that I am at home for Christmas break and starting to become bored with vacation. So I've decided to amuse myself and you, my reader ;) with creating my own!

I'm an interesting person, though I believe that is exactly the beauty of the world of don't have to be that just is and everybody has that to share.

Many of my friends have at one time or another suggested that I have my own tv show...I suppose because they get a kick out of my ridiculousness and want to share their laughing and finger pointing at me with the world. I have also been called by some of my best friends "the strangest member of Mango." (Mango = the eight or so houses that make up where me and my best friends live together at school) So I'm not normal...secret be told I get a thrill out of being silly and especially out of making perfectly awkward situations out of what should be quite normal. I am very intrigued by the human personality.

It would be remiss of me not to pay respect to my chosen profession by attributing to it a large part of why I am who I am. I am a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic University studying Musical Theatre! (This is where Mom jumps in when I tell this to family friends and says ' she also has a major in Communications and a minor in Spanish.') Ah, the justifications we make for ourselves and those we love in fear of what others might think. But I adore my mother and know she is just proud of it all and wants everyone to know all the things she's proud of...

Enough've probably stopped reading already and discredited my assertion that I am an interesting person. Well, if you care to, journey with me and I'm sure we'll both be thrilled by the interestingness of life.