Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ya tengo que salir?

A week from tomorrow I'll be crossing a bit of sea to reach my post for the next couple of months. Man, I hope I'm learning all the lessons that I'm supposed to be during this time of life. I can see how on the other end I'll be more adaptable and flexible and trusting of His plan and I hope a whole heaping lot less selfish. Leaving for Puerto Rico has majorly snuck up on me, but I'm ready for the next thing. The past two months at home have been a huge blessing, but it's time to be stretched again and learn life as a new-rican. I miss my friends and wish I could carry them around to my new adventures, but then I guess I wouldn't be learning the forestated lessons if I had their constant support. Okay. Here we go. A couple weeks of upheaval and resettlement and then I'll be so grateful to be down there serving and supporting the missionary families I'll be with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please send me your email. i'm a terribly unreliable friend when it comes to being a friend on the phone and i'm only slightly better with email but i would love to ask what you know of your future and where the Lord is leading you. i guess i know a little after reading your blog, but i'd love to hear the rest.