Monday, September 10, 2007

Jesus +

The Puerto Rico team is walking through Colossians right now and at last week's team time the word that was spoken was timely and necessary for the training of my heart. Ronnie Garcia spoke to us about how the Colossian church was being infiltrated with "Jesus +" theology....the gospel and a little ceremonialism. Or the gospel + worship of angels. Or + asceticism, etc. Ronnie made the point that it is not possible to sustain lifelong fervor for Christ if we operate in Jesus + mode. Christ is to be pre-immenent in all things or we end up performing for Him and burning out.

I've located some of the plus-es in my heart that I add to the Gospel and I know that naming them is the first and perhaps greatest step. My natural bent though is now that I've located a problem, to put some restrictions on myself in this area or practice resisting my indulgences. This though is nothing more than the asceticism and rules that dominates living in a Jesus + frame of mind and is exactly what Paul wrote the Colossians to rid themselves of!

Just give me Jesus!!! I desperately want Christ to be so all-consuming in my thoughts in these areas (and all my life!) that rules and regulations fall away and I'm led in step with His spirit. Come quickly, Lord, and bring your kingdom to my heart to reign supremely through and through.


Adam said...

Great thoughts AJ. That notion of "performing" for Christ but in the end just burning out is so easy to fall into. I feel I live more in that mode than any other - living by faith alone is so difficult.
I will definitely be around when you're in FTL - love to see ya.

Anonymous said...

anna j, i still need that email address. hook me up sometime please. i must say that i'm so guilty off adding gospel+ self theology. like the mormon i must rely on my own works for salvation and then grace will take care of the rest. keep blogging. i check your stuff often and need more of that jazz. i hope puerto rico is challenging and strengthening you often.