Friday, March 23, 2007

Making best friends used to be easier

I am working with a great cast in Wichita and the seven of us that are from out of town have gotten along famously this past week and all feel so lucky that we genuinely like one another. It is, however, becoming very apparent to me just how different I am from them. We operate from such different views of the same world and now that we've moved past the opening stages of friendship, it is hard for me to not feel sidelined with them because I don't have the same drinking stories. Oh, God, I've got to have more of you!!! On my own with them I just feel boring and inward. Use me to show them how great Your love for them is and fit me with the gospel of truth so that praises of You just spill out when I speak. May I either be persecuted because of Your name or the first to welcome these into the kinship of Jehovah. But keep me above all else from misrepresenting Your love for them or being over-focused on myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.