Friday, August 01, 2008

It's not been what I've expected...but I guess it rarely is. Heartaches and begging God to show Himself have been at every turn this summer accompanied by frustration that His ways are not my ways. Or sometimes they are, but my timing's off of His. O Lord! Heal your children. Father, open her eyes to Your gospel! Please reveal yourself and grant hope to these that have lost their way. This is who You are...this is Your Your work, O God! I would have despaired that He hears my voice except that I hear His. My greatest blessing these days is conviction of sin...yes, Lord, I hear You loud and clear there...thank You, don't ever stop, 'cause that's how I know we're connected. I dare not go up from here if Your Presence is not with me. And if You are there, then all I can do in these heartbreaks is trust that You are who You say You are: You are good - You care far more for Your children than I...You are sovereign - You have the power to change hearts and circumstances...Thus: You're timing is not mine. You are still at work and You are in the business of revealing next steps not life plans. And as long as Your Presence is with me...the next step is all I desire.

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