Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a few random thoughts

Got the official word today: they're wigging me! I am actually extremely thrilled that I will not be dying my hair. The costume director said that she would never do that to me and we are getting a very expensive wig that will be perfect!

I'm going to Puerto Rico for Spring Break! Me and 9 of the greatest girlfriends ever will be spending 8 days vacationing and enjoying life together in San Juan!

In general I am a fan of facebook and myspace - even to the point of having an account on both (I primarily use facebook now but imagine I'll be transitioning into myspace after graduation). They are not perfect communication mediums, but I appreciate that it randomly brings people's faces into view who I haven't thought of in a while and I can check out what they're up to and without a tedious long message let them know I was thinking about them. However, I've just squandered an hour perusing pictures and reading wall posts of some high school friends...ridiculous in light of all the work I have to do.

I think it is really a shame that for the last couple decades especially, it has been drilled into Christian young girls' heads that they need to be independent in Christ before ever thinking about being with a guy and that something is wrong with them if they long for a relationship because Christ should be all that they need. While there is some good truth buried in these ideas and my subscribing to these ideas for my own life is part of what kept me from many broken relationships, I have recently come to embrace the fact that we were created for companionship. Adam was lonely for a woman even while experiencing perfect oneness with God and God said that it was not good. Adam's longing for a mate was not what God found unsatisfactory, but that a deep desire of the being He formed and loved was unfulfilled. I long for a companion, to follow him into wild adventures, unravel the mysteries of life one day at a time together, and have a permanent dance partner. However, the difference between me and Adam is that it is still good for me to be alone. One day it will no longer be the best plan and God will choose to fulfill my desire either by leading a man to pursue me or by taking me home to be in His presence - the second would be better by far!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

after V-day blues

I, like many of my other single friends, go through a mini-depression this time every year. However, unlike others, my low is February 15th, not the 14th. You see, I LOVE Valentine's Day! Everyone running around with chocolate and roses and balloons spilling out everywhere...hugs abounding and appreciations for all loved ones flowing forth from tongues sans any hesitation...why can't every day be like that?! This is the primary reason for my sadness the day after. Where did all the love go? I was absolutely giddy Tuesday all day and especially in the night after I gave a special Valentine. I gave the valentine because it was for our Sadie Hawkins Dance this Saturday; it was so much fun to surprise a guy and ask him. I barely know asking him was more than random and bordering on impulsive...but we are going to have an amazing time Saturday night, I know! I always have a great time at dances. So here's a blog shoutout to my friend and date, Kyle Mains!

p.s. I've decided to add the comment feature because I commented the other day on one of my friend's blog and really felt like my comment added something to the post and was appreciated by him. So please, say hi and comment on anything you like!

Monday, February 13, 2006

little update

It's been a while since I've blogged. I keep spotting life happenings that would be great blogs, but I just haven't had the aptitude to put them down on the computer. Here are some highlights from the past week.

**West Side Story is going very well...I've been singing like crazy, but we are starting to sound really good.

**Sailfish Cup was this weekend and Southside (my team) tore it up. We won overall and Sportsmanship. For my part, I played ultimate frisbeen, soccer, and volleyball. I love SC because it is just one crazy intense weekend of playing.

**I miss my baby Annabelle so badly right now. Sister sent some pictures of them in the snow...I would do anything to fly up there for a weekend and play with them.

**Spring Break plans keep coming together and falling apart. Initially it was just a girls' trip to Puerto Rico, but then New York came into the picture 'cause Candice got accepted to Colombia and has to be there one day for orientation. We found these crazy deals on JetBlue to go from here to NYC to San Juan and back for cheap!, but we didn't act soon enough and the flight back sold out. Then we got on a cruise kick because it would be all paid for and we wouldn't have to worry about hotel or anything. Now...I have no idea, we all really want a fun adventure and I want to go to PR more than anything...we'll see.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Yeah Intramural Champs!

WE WON! It was such a great ultimate frisbee game last night, though it was very didn't start until after 11:00 pm. But we won! Yay! I'm not really even sure what the name of our team is but it is such a great group of friends and we worked well together. I even made a touchdown...woohoo.

I stayed on the detox for yesterday and ended up feeling a ton better in the afternoon and though I was weak during the game some, I was able to play the whole time and I played hard too. I met with the school nurse though to talk about this diet and what was happening in my body and she advised that I stop it. She said that she doesn't think this is the healthiest detox diet out there but that it is probably fine for normal, healthy people to do. I guess the whole problem has been because of my hypoglycemia my insulin production is all over the board because I'm only putting this sugar into my body without any protein. I haven't broken it yet, though. I don't know what to do because I feel so much better today and I would like to see this through till the end if possible, but there is a danger of my hitting another low and she said it would probably be worse than yesterday's. A lot to think and pray through..the Lord will show me

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm thinking about breaking it...

I've felt awful today. I was so shaky this morning and weak that I ended up staying in bed until 9:30 and I went to bed at 10:30 last night! I'm just not sure how smart this is since it is way interfering with my life now. I missed two classes today too and have felt very disjointed and unable to do my best work. I have this ultimate frisbee CHAMPIONSHIP game tonight and I really want to play, but I'm not sure I have enough energy, although I am feeling a lot better now than most of today. I would really like to stick it out at least through tomorrow since they say that day 3 & 4 are the worst. I also haven't spent barely any time with the Lord in the past two days so basically I've been trying to do this on my own which could account for my wanting to quit. I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to go ask the Lord for some serious direction...we'll see how He leads and whether I am obedient whichever way that leading is.