Monday, February 13, 2006

little update

It's been a while since I've blogged. I keep spotting life happenings that would be great blogs, but I just haven't had the aptitude to put them down on the computer. Here are some highlights from the past week.

**West Side Story is going very well...I've been singing like crazy, but we are starting to sound really good.

**Sailfish Cup was this weekend and Southside (my team) tore it up. We won overall and Sportsmanship. For my part, I played ultimate frisbeen, soccer, and volleyball. I love SC because it is just one crazy intense weekend of playing.

**I miss my baby Annabelle so badly right now. Sister sent some pictures of them in the snow...I would do anything to fly up there for a weekend and play with them.

**Spring Break plans keep coming together and falling apart. Initially it was just a girls' trip to Puerto Rico, but then New York came into the picture 'cause Candice got accepted to Colombia and has to be there one day for orientation. We found these crazy deals on JetBlue to go from here to NYC to San Juan and back for cheap!, but we didn't act soon enough and the flight back sold out. Then we got on a cruise kick because it would be all paid for and we wouldn't have to worry about hotel or anything. Now...I have no idea, we all really want a fun adventure and I want to go to PR more than anything...we'll see.

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