Thursday, February 16, 2006

after V-day blues

I, like many of my other single friends, go through a mini-depression this time every year. However, unlike others, my low is February 15th, not the 14th. You see, I LOVE Valentine's Day! Everyone running around with chocolate and roses and balloons spilling out everywhere...hugs abounding and appreciations for all loved ones flowing forth from tongues sans any hesitation...why can't every day be like that?! This is the primary reason for my sadness the day after. Where did all the love go? I was absolutely giddy Tuesday all day and especially in the night after I gave a special Valentine. I gave the valentine because it was for our Sadie Hawkins Dance this Saturday; it was so much fun to surprise a guy and ask him. I barely know asking him was more than random and bordering on impulsive...but we are going to have an amazing time Saturday night, I know! I always have a great time at dances. So here's a blog shoutout to my friend and date, Kyle Mains!

p.s. I've decided to add the comment feature because I commented the other day on one of my friend's blog and really felt like my comment added something to the post and was appreciated by him. So please, say hi and comment on anything you like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I just thought that I'd add a comment. No, it's not really a comment, more like a question. So, how did the brunette thing go? Assuming you did it, have you enjoyed coming over to my side of the world?