Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a few random thoughts

Got the official word today: they're wigging me! I am actually extremely thrilled that I will not be dying my hair. The costume director said that she would never do that to me and we are getting a very expensive wig that will be perfect!

I'm going to Puerto Rico for Spring Break! Me and 9 of the greatest girlfriends ever will be spending 8 days vacationing and enjoying life together in San Juan!

In general I am a fan of facebook and myspace - even to the point of having an account on both (I primarily use facebook now but imagine I'll be transitioning into myspace after graduation). They are not perfect communication mediums, but I appreciate that it randomly brings people's faces into view who I haven't thought of in a while and I can check out what they're up to and without a tedious long message let them know I was thinking about them. However, I've just squandered an hour perusing pictures and reading wall posts of some high school friends...ridiculous in light of all the work I have to do.

I think it is really a shame that for the last couple decades especially, it has been drilled into Christian young girls' heads that they need to be independent in Christ before ever thinking about being with a guy and that something is wrong with them if they long for a relationship because Christ should be all that they need. While there is some good truth buried in these ideas and my subscribing to these ideas for my own life is part of what kept me from many broken relationships, I have recently come to embrace the fact that we were created for companionship. Adam was lonely for a woman even while experiencing perfect oneness with God and God said that it was not good. Adam's longing for a mate was not what God found unsatisfactory, but that a deep desire of the being He formed and loved was unfulfilled. I long for a companion, to follow him into wild adventures, unravel the mysteries of life one day at a time together, and have a permanent dance partner. However, the difference between me and Adam is that it is still good for me to be alone. One day it will no longer be the best plan and God will choose to fulfill my desire either by leading a man to pursue me or by taking me home to be in His presence - the second would be better by far!

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