Sunday, January 29, 2006

all psychology enthusiasts, read on

I anticipate that my blogs will take on a new level of unusualness for the next ten days. You see today is Day 1 of a Master Detox adventure that me, Jess, Candice, CLiff and Patrick have embarked on together. Heaven help us! They have been planning on doing this ridiculous, awful lemonade fast for a week now. I stayed away from their propaganda because I wanted no part in it. They had set today as the day to begin so I made them a good dinner last night and somehow over the course of that dinner I went from total disdain of this idea to full participation in it. Here is what the next 10 days entail for me eating-wise:

**Every morning we chug 1 quart of water mixed with 2 tsp. sea salt - after experiencing this morning's chug I can tell you this is by far the most awful thing I have ever done. This will be the hardest part, but also the thing that cleanses your system the most.
**Throughout the day we drink 6-12 glasss of this lemonade mixture which is 1 cup water, 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice, and 1 tbsp Grade B molasses. This actually tastes good, but the smell is what we will get sick of the quickest.
**We also take 2-3 cayenne pepper supplements throughout the day.
**Before bed we drink this detox laxative tea - and let me tell you, it works.

That's the deal I've gotten myself into. I think really I just didn't want to be left out of this adventure they are having. Also, I recently blogged about wanting to eat better and get control of my cravings, but it just hasn't happened so this is a way of breaking me of my dependency on food. I also got a call last night that West Side Story rehearsals, which was one of the biggest things holding me back from the diet because I need all my energy for rehearsals, are cancelled this week due to One Acts. So here we go...I might go crazy for a few days...if you see me on campus and I'm unusually crabby you now know why. I give you full permission though to walk up and tell me to 'get over it'.

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