Saturday, January 28, 2006

i want my daddy back!

This past week we had Christival, a yearly conference at PBA intended to evangelize and spiritually refresh students. Vodie Bacchum was this year's speaker and I cannot overemphasize how amazing it was. If you ever get a chance to hear him, go! His teaching was straight from the Word and delivered in such a clear and fresh way. As a woman, I was so encouraged by his message on Biblical manhood. It was directed at all the young ladies in the room, whom he called his daughters for that session. It was a challenge to us not to let our desire for a husband overrule our need to be led by a strong man of God and it validated in me the vision that I have for a future marriage and family. This hope that I have is so often crushed and distorted that I struggle to believe it truly exists, but I know that it does. I think that godly men really do want someone to see in them the potential to be something great and they will rise to it if they are challenged and that is what Dr. Bacchum did for the guys on our campus that day. Christival ended Thurs. evening and all day Friday I felt grieved not to be able to go and receive more truth for my soul. But my time alone with the Lord has been so much richer and deeper the past two days then it was before because I am hungering for that level of Bible study and application that I've gotten all week. Too much we let ourselves drift back to spiritual milk and don't take the time to make ourselves a real dinner in the Word!

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