Sunday, January 22, 2006

sugar tirade

It is both funny and very saddening how addicted to sugar we allow ourselves to get. My eating habits are all thrown off still from Christmas break and the horrible amounts of unhealthiness that I took in. I go into the kitchen to decide on dinner now and my cravings are all over the place so that I end up eating a little bit of everything attempting to satisfy that one spot in my tastebuds. No more, I say. It is past the time to get control of this. Candice and Cliff are starting this horrible detox diet thing where for a week you only drink this lemondade concoction and salt water and they have tried to convince me to join in the purifying enlightenment so that even my joints will be fully purged of waste. I at least gave it a few days thought before saying no thank you...good luck to them. I just need to cut out all sweets (except for fruit...I live off fruit) and one meal at a time reform the way I view food. It shouldn't be that hard to pass by one brownie - it isn't like it is the last opportunity I'll ever have to taste that goodness. I use food too much for comfort rather than depending on the Lord and using food for sustenance.

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