Monday, January 09, 2006

another semester

700 miles later + a few really good days with friends and I am back in classes. I'm excited about the ones I'm taking this semester. I have a really great Auditions class that will be super hard but so good for me. My schedule in general will be pretty crazy. On Mondays I will have rehearsal from 3:30-10:00 so I've got to go into work at Campus Ministries in the morning before my classes. It will be intense, but sooo exciting!

Today was an ipod day. Every so often I'll wake up and just know that it is an ipod day. Music is one of the Lord's biggest ministries to me so I carry that ipod with me on days I know will be extra tough or I can feel my spirit wavering and so on my way to classes I can be reminded to turn my focus on Him and that He is greater than my heart and in perfect control. I just love Him so much. I am absolutely dependent on the Lord...God save me from the days and the moments within every day that I forget this and fool myself into independence.

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